October 1-31, 2021
Unified Earth
Featuring the work of:
Walter Ostrom, Marla Benton, Teresa Bergen, Judy Blake, Joan Bruneau, Neil Forrest, Maja Padrov, Isako Suzuki, Deb Kyzuk, Ray Mackie, Mary Jane Lundy, Shauna MacLeod, Alexandra McCurdy, Mindy Moore, Svilen Petrov, Louise Pentz, Steven Peters, Sally Ravindra, Carol Smeraldo, Jim Smith, Gina Stick, Jacqueline Cohen, Vaughan Smith, Tim Worthington, Pam Birdsall, Andrew Quon, Denise Lynch, Gerri Frager, Jennifer Houghtaling, Jo Ann Shaw, Judy Gordon, Nancy Roberts, Regina Coupar, Trevor Novak
Also featured, artwork focused on the theme of fire. Including work by Jaye Ouellette, Shelley Mansel, Paul Hannon, Anthony Clementi, Lynn Johnson, Jen Power, Penny Lighthall, Juno and Terri Whetstone.
Debra Kuzyk & Ray Mackie (Lucky Rabbit Pottery) Evening Hummingbirds Black Porcelain Sterling Silver Beaks by Marianne Brown Jewellery 12” x 7” $3500 pair
Walter Ostrom Bowl - 2007 N.S. Earthenware, Tin Glaze, Cuerda Seca Decoration 13” x 4” $1500 SOLD
Walter Ostrom Flower Brick - 1988 N.S. Earthenware, Tin Glaze 11” x 7” x 9” On loan from the artist, NFS
Alexandra McCurdy Black Box with Shells Porcelain 14” x 14” x 14” $1200
Alexandra McCurdy Blue Box Porcelain, Copper, Wire, Garnets 13” x 13” x 13” $1000
Andrea Puszkar (Union Street Pottery) Elegua Stoneware, Wood 20” x 20” x 3” On loan from artist, NFS
Andrew Quon Black Moon Rising Ceramics, Natural Objects On loan from the artist, NFS
Andrew Quon Connections No.1 Ceramics, Natural Objects, Photography 13” x 24” On loan from the artist, NFS
Carol Smeraldo Carrier Boat: Going the Distance Lantz Earthenware Clay, Naked Raku, Lustred Raku, Copper 13” x 10” x 12” $650
Carol Smeraldo Fledgling Boat: Inspiration Fledged Lantz Earthenware Clay, Naked Raku, Lustred Raku, Copper 10” x 6.5” x 7” $350 SOLD
Carol Smeraldo Learned Boat: Percolating Impressions Lantz Earthenware Clay, Naked Raku, Lustred Raku, Copper 8” x 6” x 12” $650
Carol Smeraldo Mother Boat: Under Sea Hatchery Lantz Earthenware Clay, Naked Raku, Lustred Raku, Copper 17” x 10” x 14.5” $950
Carolyn Ritchie Bedford Passion Clay 17” x 9” $220
Carolyn Ritchie Bedford Connections Clay 14” x 11” $200
Denise Lynch (Martin Ceramic) Gold Rain Cake Platter White Stoneware with Gold Rain and Oil Spot Glazes 9” x 6” $375
Gerri Frager Birdsong For My Dad Stoneware, Underglazes, Red-Iron Oxide 15” x 9” On loan from artist, NFS
Gina Stick Joyful To Be A Chrysanthemum Ceramic/Porcelain 19.5” x 3” $4750
Gina Stick Woven Bourbon Bottle Ceramic/Porcelain 9” x 6” x 3” $4500
Gina Stick Woven Small Plate Ceramic/Porcelain 1” x 8” $1400
Gina Stick Joyful Begging Bowl Ceramic/Porcelain 3” x 6” $1200
Isako Suzuki (Hermann-Suzuki Pottery) Large Neriage Vase Clay, Stain 7” x 12” $300 SOLD
Isako Suzuki (Hermann-Suzuki Pottery) Ring Vase Clay, Stain 10” x 10” $175 SOLD
Isako Suzuki (Hermann-Suzuki Pottery) Small Neriage Vase Clay, Stain 6” x 9” $230 SOLD
Jenn Houghtaling Holding It Together Clay, Celadon Glaze 12” x 12” $750 set
Jim Smith Vase with Arabesques N.S. Earthenware Clay 9” x 16” On loan from the artist, NFS
Jim Smith Charger with Vase & Cupola N.S. Earthenware Clay 16” x 3.5” On loan from the artist, NFS
Jo Ann Shaw (Kilnworks) Miniature Pots Stoneware 3.5” x 1 1/8” x 4” $175 SOLD
Joan Bruneau (Nova Terra Cotta Pottery) Sauce Boat Lantz Earthenware Clay with Slip and Polychrome Glazes 5” x 8” x 7” On loan from artist, NFS
Joan Bruneau (Nova Terra Cotta Pottery) Flower Brick Lantz Earthenware Clay with Slip and Polychrome Glazes 9” x 9” x 7” On loan from artist, NFS
Joan Bruneau (Nova Terra Cotta Pottery) Butter Dish Lantz Earthenware Clay with Slip and Polychrome Glazes 5” x 9” x 6” On loan from artist, NFS
Judy Blake Sagger-Fired Vessel Clay 12” x 13.5” $1400
Judy Blake Sagger-Fired Orb Clay 14” x 7” $1100
Joël Brodovsky-Adams Houndstooth Semi-Porcelain, Underglaze, Glaze 10” x 10” x 22.5” $800
Joël Brodovsky-Adams Patterned Vase Semi-Porcelain, Underglaze, Glaze 8.5” x 8.5” x 10” $300
Joël Brodovsky-Adams TV Vase Semi-Porcelain, Underglaze, Glaze 9” x 10” x 14” $500
Joël Brodovsky-Adams Wilde Renate I Semi-Porcelain, Glaze 15” x 12” x 24” $1200
Judy Gordon Beach Grass Vase Raku 8” x 4.5” x 2” $140
Judy Gordon Beach Grass Vase 1 Raku 7” x 4” $110 SOLD
Judy Gordon Beach Grass Vase 2 Raku 7” x 4” $110 SOLD
Judy Gordon Lustrous Apples Raku 3.5” x 4.5” x 4” $80 each
Louise Pentz Untitled (Bust) Smoke Fired Clay, Acrylic, Ochre, Sand in Acrylic Medium 17” x 15” x 6” $1300 SOLD
Louise Pentz Sacrum Smoke Fired Clay, Acrylic, Pigments 53” x 17” x 9” $2100
Louise Pentz Restrained Smoke Fired Clay, Ochre, Pigments 47” x 11” x 6” $1600
Maja Padrov Consecutiveness High Fired Stoneware 8.5” x 27” x 5.5” $900 Photo - Jeff Crawford
Maja Padrov Grey Ewer High Fired Stoneware 12” x 9” x 9” $850 Photo - Jeff Crawford
Marla Benton Mahone Bay Post Office Stoneware, Glaze, Underglaze 15” x 10” x 11” $1450
Marla Benton Reading In The Time of Covid Stoneware, Glaze, Underglaze 8.5” x 8.75” x 2.25” $650 Sold
Marla Benton Lunenburg Academy Stoneware, Glaze, Underglaze 18” x 8” x 13” $2800
Mary Jane Lundy (Crescent Clay) Green Man Garden Bowl Red Earthenware 16” x 10” $444
Mary Jane Lundy (Crescent Clay) Atlantic Sole Red Earthenware 10” x 6.5” $88
Mary Jane Lundy (Crescent Clay) Atlantic Cod with Shells Red Earthenware 13.5” x 5” $144 SOLD
Mary Jane Lundy (Crescent Clay) Sea Dragon Red Earthenware 12” x 6” $250
Mary Jane Lundy (Crescent Clay) Atlantic Cod Red Earthenware 21” x 10” $225 SOLD
Mary Jane Lundy (Crescent Clay) Atlantic Hump Fish Red Earthenware Clay 11” x 7” $95 SOLD
Mary Jane Lundy (Crescent Clay) Laughing Jack Eel Red Earthenware 16” x 6” $180
Mindy Moore No Way Out Clay, Raku Fired 12” x 12” $200
Mindy Moore In Solitude Together Clay, Raku Fired, Pinched & Paddled 9.5” x 9.5” x 6” - 5” x 5” x 5” $275 set SOLD
Mindy Moore Now #2 Clay, Raku Fired, Slab Construction 24” x 13” $250 SOLD
Nancy Roberts Rising Stoneware, Glazes, Acrylic Stand 17” x 16” x 23” $695
Neil Forrest Trivet: Dragonfly Porcelain (White Base) & Egyptian Faience (Decorated Top Surface) & Tinted Grout 16” x 6.5” x 2.5” $900
Neil Forrest Trivet: Scarab Porcelain (White Base) & Egyptian Faience (Decorated Top Surface) & Tinted Grout 9” x 7.5” x 2” $350
Neil Forrest & Sheila Provazza Trivet: Corm Porcelain (White Base) & Egyptian Faience (Decorated Top Surface) & Tinted Grout 5” x 4.5” x 2” $150
Neil Forrest Trivet: Ampersand Porcelain (White Base) & Egyptian Faience (Decorated Top Surface) & Tinted Grout 8.5” x 8” x 6” $350
Neil Forrest Trivet: Stump Porcelain (White Base) & Egyptian Faience (Decorated Top Surface) & Tinted Grout 14” x 12” x 1.5” $900
Neil Forrest Trivet: Keys Porcelain (White Base) & Egyptian Faience (Decorated Top Surface) & Tinted Grout 14” x 14” x 1.5” $900
Pam Birdsall (Birdsall-Worthington Pottery Ltd.) Iris Serving Plate Earthenware 13 1/4” W $250
Regina Coupar Athena Raku Fired, Beads, Wire 30” x 14” $900
Sally Ravindra Large Vase with Beads Smoke Fired Clay 10.5”H $275
Sally Ravindra Small Round Vessel Smoke Fired Clay 3.5”H $55 SOLD
Sally Ravindra Small Bottle Smoke Fired Clay 9.5”H $150 SOLD
Sally Ravindra Small Bottle Smoke Fired Clay 8.5”H $185
Sally Ravindra Large Pot Clay 27” x 20” On loan from the artist, NFS
Shauna MacLeod (Black Crow Pottery) Rhubarb Leaf Plate N.S. Earthenware Clay 20” x 23” x 8.5” $585
Shauna MacLeod (Black Crow Pottery) Rhubarb Leaf Wall Plaque N.S. Earthenware Clay 18” x 21” x 1” $185
Shauna MacLeod (Black Crow Pottery) Rhubarb Leaf Wall Plaque N.S. Earthenware Clay 10” x 8” x 1” $65
Shauna MacLeod (Black Crow Pottery) Rhubarb Leaf Wall Plaque N.S. Earthenware Clay 10” x 8” x 1” $65
Shauna MacLeod (Black Crow Pottery) Catelpa Leaf Wall Plaque Porcelain Clay 5.5” x 5.5” $45
Shauna MacLeod (Black Crow Pottery) Comfrey Leaf Wall Plaque Raku Clay 13” x 6” x 1.5” $85
Shauna MacLeod (Black Crow Pottery) Catelpa Leaf Wall Plaque Porcelain Clay 4” x 5” $35 SOLD
Shauna MacLeod (Black Crow Pottery) Horseradish Leaf Plate N.S. Earthenware Clay 25” x 7” x 3” $165 SOLD
Steven Peters Suavyblani Ceramic, Epoxy 27” x 34” x 15” $3000
Steven Peters Splashybop Ceramic, Epoxy 19” x 14” x 7.5” $800
Svilen Petrov Oil Burner High Fired Clay 22” x 6” x 5” $400
Svilen Petrov Oil Burner High Fired Clay 22” x 6” x 5” $400
Svilen Petrov Flower Pot High Fire Clay, Mate Glazing 9” x 12” x 11” $400
Svilen Petrov Jug and Glasses High Fire Clay, Mate Glazing Jug - 11” x 6” x 5” Glasses - 4” x 2.5” $360 SOLD
Teresa Bergen Rolling Theatre Ceramic, Wood 5’ x 5’ x 2’ On loan from artist, NFS
Teresa Bergen Baby Yaga Teapot Ceramic 13” x 10” x 8” $2200
Teresa Bergen Running In Circles Ceramic 14” x 14” x 8” $3000
Tim Worthington (Birdsall-Worthington Pottery Ltd.) Amber Bamboo Vase Earthenware 9 1/4” H $475
Tim Worthington (Birdsall-Worthington Pottery Ltd.) Bee Covered Jar Earthenware 10.5” H $650
Tim Worthington (Birdsall-Worthington Pottery Ltd.) Cloud Vase Earthenware 9.5” H $600
Trevor Novak Busty Boy IV Ceramic, Pencil Crayon 7” x 12.5” x 4” $1200
Trevor Novak Busty Boy II Ceramic, Pencil Crayon 8” x 13” x 5” $1200
Trevor Novak Busty Boy III Ceramic, Pencil Crayon 8” x 12.5” x 5” $1200
Vaughan L. Smith (Westcote Bell Pottery) Bush/Bell Island Sgraffito - Black, White & Yellow Slips Carved Through to Red Eathenware Framed - 26” x 26” $900
Jacqueline M. Cohen (Westcote Bell Pottery) Garden and Gulls Red Earthenware, Slips, Underglazes, Stencilled & Painted 15.5” H $800
Jacqueline M. Cohen (Westcote Bell Pottery) Free Range Red Earthenware, Slips, Underglazes, Stencilled & Painted Framed - 23.5” x 40” $2200
Anthony Clementi Brushfire Acrylic on Canvas 30” x 40” $1250
Anthony Clementi Kilauea Acrylic on Canvas 30” x 40” $1250
Jaye Ouellette Fire With Fire Acrylic on Panel 12” x 6.5” $700
Jaye Ouellette Fire Fly Acrylic on Panel 12” x 12” $400
Jaye Ouellette Flicker Acrylic on Panel 12” x 12” $400
Jaye Ouellette Island Fire Acrylic on Panel 12” x 12” $400
Jaye Ouellette Flame #1 Acrylic on Panel 12” x 12” $400
Jaye Ouellette Flame #5 Acrylic on Panel 12” x 12” $400
Jaye Ouellette Flame #3 Acrylic on Panel 12” x 12” $400
Jaye Ouellette Flame #9 Acrylic on Panel 12” x 12” $400
Jaye Ouellette Flame #11 Acrylic on Panel 12” x 12” $400
Jaye Ouellette Flame #12 Acrylic on Panel 12” x 12” $400
Jaye Ouellette Burn #6 Acrylic on Panel 12” x 12” $400
Jaye Ouellette Sparks #2 Acrylic on Panel 15” x 28” $1200
Jaye Ouellette Down In Flames Acrylic on Panel 24” x 24” $1600
Jen Power First Light Acrylic on Canvas 12” x 16” $375
Juno (Jaclyn Martinez) After The Storm 24” x 30” Oil on Canvas $1200
Lynn Johnson Fire and Ice Acrylic on Canvas 12" x 12" $350
Paul Hannon Dunvegan Oil on Canvas 24” x 24” $3200
Penny Lighthall The Sky’s On Fire (Sunset at the Tidal Bore) Hooked Reclaimed Wool on Burlap 13” x 9” $310
Penny Lighthall B.C. Is On Fire Hooked Reclaimed Wool on Burlap 4” x 5” $55
Regina Marzlin Wildfire Quilting/Textiles 22.5" x 30" $480
Shelley Mansel Siren Acrylic on Canvas 48” x 40” $3960
Terri Whetstone Fireball Rug Hooking, Wool Yarn on Cotton Backing 14” x 12.5” $350
Terri Whetstone When We Kiss (Fire) Rug Hooking with Appliqué, Wool Yarn, Felt, Embroidery Thread, Beads, Poly Stuffing on Cotton Backing 18.25” x 27.75” x 2” $475
Terri Whetstone Un Clou Chasse L’autre / One Nail Drives Out The Other Rug Hooking, Wool Yarn on Cotton Backing 28.5” x 35” $750