April 3 - May 4 2021
Featuring the work of:
Megan Connors, David Eeles, Barbara Berry, Marcel Kerkhoff, Ralph Simpson and David Zsako

Megan Connors Exoticus Oil on Canvas 48" x 72" $4800

Megan Connors I Think Something Touched My Foot Oil on Canvas 48" x 72" $4800

Megan Connors Voyeurs Oil on Canvas 36" x 48" $2400

Megan Connors Macrodosing Oil on Canvas 36" x 48" $2400

Megan Connors Fops Oil on Canvas 24" x 36" $1200

Megan Connors Ambivalence Oil on Canvas 24" x 36" $1200

David Eeles Parting Aspen Wood 27" x 57.5" $2800

David Eeles Introspection Aspen Wood 27" x 30" $1650

David Eeles Etheria Aspen Wood 10" x 60" $1200

David Eeles The Odd Couple Aspen Wood 18" x 36" $1260

David Eeles Triple Entente Aspen Wood 30" x 30", x3 $2800

David Zsako Cyclops Photo Collage 24" x 36 $1500

David Zsako Fight or Flight Photo Collage 24" x 36 $1500

David Zsako Hieroglyphia Photo Collage 24" x 36 $1500

David Zsako Eternal Smile Photo Collage 24" x 36 $1500

David Zsako The King Photo Collage 24" x 36 $1500

David Zsako Thoughts and Prayers Photo Collage 24" x 36 $1500

David Zsako Cerberus Photo Collage 24" x 36 $1500

David Zsako Conflict Photo Collage 36" x 48" $2500

Ralph Simpson Calyx Willow Skein, Hemp, Linen, Papyrus, Iris Blades 16"H x 28"W $600

Ralph Simpson Dehiscent Capsule Willow Skein, Hemp, Daylily, Iris Blades, Papyrus 11"H x 13"W $200

Ralph Simpson Guilded Pod Dracena, Daylily Leaves, Iris Blades, Gold Leaf 30"L x 9"W $400

Ralph Simpson Palm Basket Willow Rods, Date Pond Fronds, Hemp, Iris Blades, Daylily 21"H x 10"W $200 SOLD

Ralph Simpson Pomegranate Willow Skein, Hemp, Linen, Common Rush, Papyrus, Iris Blades, Daylily 24"H x 19"W $800

Ralph Simpson Radiant Fibre Willow Skein, Papyrus, Iris Blades, Daylily, Grasses, Sari Silk 30"W $420 SOLD

Ralph Simpson Rose Hip Willow Skein, Daylily, Corn Husk, Iris Blades, Hemp 14"H x 15"W $200 SOLD

Ralph Simpson Poppy Pods Black Ash, Cotton, Thread, Sinew 5"H x 4.5"W $160 each or $350 pair SOLD!

Marcel Kerhoff Erskine Oil on Panel 14" x 16" $1100

Marcel Kerhoff Monochrome Isolation Oil on Canvas on Panel 24" x 30" $1900

Marcel Kerhoff Shareholders Company Meeting Oil on Panel 11" x 14" $650

Barbara Berry Emerald Dakini with the Jackals Acrylic and Oil on Masonite 23.5" x 25" $900

Barbara Berry Unfettered and Free Acrylic and Oil Found Object on Masonite 25" x 33" $1500

Barbara Berry Simhamuka Acrylic on Masonite 40" x 42" $2500

Barbara Berry Snow Leopard Acrylic and Oil on Masonite 25" x 35" $900