April 29 - May 21
Featuring the work of Kelly Harper Morehouse, Elise Campbell, Steph Kincade, Alanna Baird, Jane Whitten, Gerri Frager
and Ralph Simpson.

Kelly Harper Morehouse The Sky Looked Different Charcoal on Panel 24” x 24” $1200

Kelly Harper Morehouse I Can Can-Can Can You Charcoal on Panel 36” x 36” $2200

Kelly Harper Morehouse The Sages Charcoal on Panel 36” x 36” $2200
Kelly Harper Morehouse Do You See What I See Charcoal on Panel 36” x 36” $2200
Kelly Harper Morehouse Melodious Drift Charcoal on Panel 24” x 24” $1000
Kelly Harper Morehouse Occasion Charcoal on Panel 24” x 24” $1000
Kelly Harper Morehouse The Bright Side Charcoal on Panel 7” x 7” $250
Kelly Harper Morehouse Rise Charcoal on Panel 7” x 7” $250
Kelly Harper Morehouse Salutations Charcoal on Panel 36” x 36” $2200

Kelly Harper Morehouse The Unmaking Charcoal on Panel 36” x 36” $2200

Kelly Harper Morehouse Luminous Charcoal on Panel 36” x 36” $2200

Alanna Baird Large Urchin Sphere Hand drawn plastic (clear PETG) structure using a 3D pen 21" x 21" $1000

Alanna Baird Large Urchin Hand drawn plastic (clear PETG) structure using a 3D pen 20" x 10" $1000

Alanna Baird Large Urchin Bowl Hand drawn plastic (clear PETG) structure using a 3D pen 21" x 10" $1000

Alanna Baird Sea Cucumber Clear PETG plastic, recycled plastic acupuncture tubes, glass beads, nylon cord 9" x 7" Technique: Hand drawn plastic structure using a 3D pen. Embellished with tubes made from recycled tubing that has been cut to size and altered with heat. Strung with glass 2/0 beads using nylon bead chording. $370

Alanna Baird Sea Cucumber 2 Clear PETG plastic, recycled plastic acupuncture tubes, glass beads, nylon cord 10.5" x 6" Technique: Hand drawn plastic structure using a 3D pen. Embellished with tubes made from recycled tubing that has been cut to size and altered with heat. Strung with glass 2/0 beads using nylon bead chording. $260

Alanna Baird Little Sea Cucumbers Clear PETG plastic, recycled plastic acupuncture tubes, glass beads, nylon cord 6" x 4" Technique: Hand drawn plastic structure using a 3D pen. Embellished with tubes made from recycled tubing that has been cut to size and altered with heat. Strung with glass 2/0 beads using nylon bead chording. $130 each

Alanna Baird Triple Tunicate Clear PETG plastic, recycled plastic acupuncture tubes, glass beads, nylon cord 6" x 8" x 7" Technique: Hand drawn plastic structure using a 3D pen. Embellished with tubes made from recycled tubing that has been cut to size and altered with heat. Strung with glass 2/0 beads using nylon bead chording. $300

Alanna Baird Tunicate Clear PETG plastic, recycled plastic acupuncture tubes, glass beads, nylon cord 6" x 8" x 7" Technique: Hand drawn plastic structure using a 3D pen. Embellished with tubes made from recycled tubing that has been cut to size and altered with heat. Strung with glass 2/0 beads using nylon bead chording. $300

Alanna Baird Brown/Green Sea Urchin Clear PETG plastic, recycled plastic acupuncture tubes, glass beads, nylon cord 4.5" x 5" Technique: Hand drawn plastic structure using a 3D pen. Embellished with tubes made from recycled tubing that has been cut to size and altered with heat. Strung with glass 2/0 beads using nylon bead chording. $400

Alanna Baird Black Sea Urchin Clear PETG plastic, recycled plastic acupuncture tubes, glass beads, nylon cord 4.5" x 5" Technique: Hand drawn plastic structure using a 3D pen. Embellished with tubes made from recycled tubing that has been cut to size and altered with heat. Strung with glass 2/0 beads using nylon bead chording. $400

Alanna Baird Green Sea Urchin Clear PETG plastic, recycled plastic acupuncture tubes, glass beads, nylon cord 4" x 2.5" Technique: Hand drawn plastic structure using a 3D pen. Embellished with tubes made from recycled tubing that has been cut to size and altered with heat. Strung with glass 2/0 beads using nylon bead chording. $350

Alanna Baird Orange Sea Urchin Clear PETG plastic, recycled plastic acupuncture tubes, glass beads, nylon cord 4.5" x 5" Technique: Hand drawn plastic structure using a 3D pen. Embellished with tubes made from recycled tubing that has been cut to size and altered with heat. Strung with glass 2/0 beads using nylon bead chording. $400

Alanna Baird Black Tipped Sea Urchin Clear PETG plastic, recycled plastic acupuncture tubes, glass beads, nylon cord 9.5" x 12" Technique: Hand drawn plastic structure using a 3D pen. Embellished with tubes made from recycled tubing that has been cut to size and altered with heat. Strung with glass 2/0 beads using nylon bead chording. $550

Alanna Baird Rockweed Clear PETG plastic, recycled plastic acupuncture tubes, glass beads, nylon cord 19.5" x 10" Technique: Hand drawn plastic structure using a 3D pen. Embellished with tubes made from recycled tubing that has been cut to size and altered with heat. Strung with glass 2/0 beads using nylon bead chording. $150 SOLD

Elise Campbell Chanterelle (Edible) Wool, Wood, Wire, Crystal 22” x 10” x 10” $600

Elise Campbell Destroying Angel (Poisonous, Lethal) Wool, Silk Habotai, Upcycled Fabric, Paverpol, PVA Glue, Wood, Wire 14” x 11” x 11” $600

Elise Campbell Crimson Waxcap (Edible, but not recommended) Wool, Paverpol, Cold Wax, Wood, Wire, Tire, Thread, Clay 20” x 12” x 10” $600

Elise Campbell Gem-Studded Puffball (Edible) Wool, Clay, Paverpol, Wood, Recycled Bucket, Sand 17” x 9” x 11” $600

Elise Campbell Morel (Edible) Wool, Wood, Wire 28” x 9” x 9” NFS

Elise Campbell Attached Wool, Silk, Wire, Viscose, Cotton Thread, Velcro, Indigo, Fishing Line, Driftwood 4’ x 3’ x 3’ NFS

Steph Kincade Orange Sea Anemone Sculptural Embroidery 10” x 10” Framed $350

Steph Kincade Lichen Splash Sculptural Embroidery 10” x 10” Framed $350 SOLD

Steph Kincade Lichen Study in Green Sculptural Embroidery 10” x 10” Framed $350

Steph Kincade Lichen Study in Blue Sculptural Embroidery 10” x 10” Framed $350 SOLD

Steph Kincade Pediastrum Boryanum Triad Sculptural Embroidery 10” x 10” Framed $350

Steph Kincade Coral and Polyps Sculptural Embroidery 10” x 12” Framed $350

Steph Kincade Moon Jellies Sculptural Embroidery 9” x 11” Framed $350

Ralph Simpson Regen 1 Driftwood, Round Reed, Iris, Daylily, Papyrus and Waxed Linen 25” x 15” x 6” NFS

Ralph Simpson Railroad Regen Railway Tie Segment, Round Reed, Iris, Daylily, Papyrus and Waxed Linen 34” x 16” x 7” NFS

Jane Meredith Whitten Sheer - Cinder Lichen X Pineapple Doily Crocheted and felted Lichen & Lace wool doily embedded with needle felted Belfast Mini Mills fleece ‘cinder lichen’ and embroidery thread mycelium; attached to New Brunswick slate. Time = 18 + hours. Doily - 11 ¼” x 9 ¼” x ¼” Rock - 18” x 12 ¼” x 2” $750

Jane Meredith Whitten Clustered - Elegant Sunburst Lichen X Flowered Wheel Doily Crocheted and felted MacAusland’s wool doily embedded with knitted embroidery thread (with carton pull top ring inside) “elegant sunburst” apothecia (lichen spore pods); attached to New Brunswick slate. Time = 75 + hours. Doily - 13 ¼” x 12 ¾” x 1 ¼” Rock - 19 ¾” x 19” x 1 ½” NFS

Jane Meredith Whitten Weather’s Coming I - Peppered Rock Tripe X Round Doily “Austin always said, ‘Look, the rocks are black. We’re going to get weather.’” (Rosemary, Fogo Island, NL) Crocheted and felted Lichen and Lace wool doily embedded with knitted embroidery thread (with wire inside) ‘peppered rock tripe’ lobes, and needle felted Belfast Mini Mills fleece ‘yellow map lichen’; attached to New Brunswick slate. Time = 28 + hours. Doily - 10 ¼” x ¾” Rock - 15 ½” x 15 ¼” x ¾” $975

Jane Meredith Whitten Littoral - Elegant Sunburst Lichen X Round Doily Crocheted and felted MacAusland’s wool doily embedded with knitted embroidery thread “elegant sunburst” apothecia (lichen spore pods), needle felted Belfast MiniMills Fleece, and sewing thread mycelium; attached to New Brunswick slate. Time = 35 + hours. Doily - 15 ¼” x 11” x ¾” Rock - 22 ½” x 13 ½” x 1 ½” $1400

Jane Meredith Whitten Weather’s Coming II - Peppered Rock Tripe & Cinder Lichen X Mini Cluster Doily “Austin always said, ‘Look, the rocks are black. We’re going to get weather.’” (Rosemary, Fogo Island, NL) Crocheted and felted Briggs & Little wool doily embedded with knitted embroidery thread (with wire inside) ‘peppered rock tripe’ lobes, and stitched Briggs & Little wool ‘cinder lichen’, attached to New Brunswick slate. Time = 42 + hours. Doily - 12” x 11 ½” x 1 ¼” Rock - 21 ¾” x 13 ½” x 1 ½” NFS

Gerri Frager Place Setting 2 - Ceramic Cellfies Series, Cone 6, Slipcast Porcelain Dinner Plate - Rimmed by Blood Vessel $125, Slipcast Porcelain Half Moon Salad Plate - Heart Muscle Cells $80, Hand-built stoneware Side Dish - Cells lining the heart $75, Wheel-thrown stoneware Wine/Water Goblet - Lip Cells $80, Slipcast Porcelain Nested Heart Salt & Pepper Shakers $135

Gerri Frager Place Setting 1 - Ceramic Cellfies Series Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6, Ceramic Decal Dinner Plate - Rimmed with Small Intestine $125 Half Moon Salad Plate - Kidney Filtration Cells $80 SOLD Side Dish - Thyroid Gland Cells $75 Wine/Water Goblet - Lip Cells $80 Nested Brain Salt & Pepper Shakers $120

Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Dinner Plate Rimmed with Small Intestine Cells Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6, Ceramic Decal $125 each

Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Side Dish with Organ Cells Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6, Ceramic Decal $75

Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Side Dish with Organ Cells Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6, Ceramic Decal $75

Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Side Dish with Organ Cells Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6, Ceramic Decal $75

Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Dessert Dishes with Cells of Sensation Hand-built Stoneware, Ceramic Decal $75 each
Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Half Moon Salad Plate with Kidney Cells Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6, Ceramic Decal $80
Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Half Moon Salad Plate with Kidney Cells Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6, Ceramic Decal $80
Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Half Moon Salad Plate with Kidney Cells Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6, Ceramic Decal $80
Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Half Moon Salad Plate with Kidney Cells Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6, Ceramic Decal $80

Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Half Moon Salad Plate with Kidney Cells Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6, Ceramic Decal $80

Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Half Moon Salad Plate with Kidney Cells Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6, Ceramic Decal $80

Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Half Moon Salad Plate with a variety of White Blood Cells Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6, Ceramic Decal $60 each
Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Pie Plate with Cells of Sensation Hand-built stoneware, Ceramic Decal $125
Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Cake Plate with Cells of Sensation Hand-built Stoneware Ceramic Decal $150
Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Fruit Bowl with Cells of Sensation Hand-built Stoneware, Ceramic Decal $150
Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Nested Heart Salt & Pepper Shakers Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6 $135
Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Nested Brain Salt & Pepper Shakers Slipcast Porcelain, Cone 6 $120

Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Wine/Water Goblets with Cells of Lips Wheel-thrown Stoneware, Ceramic Decal $80 each

Gerri Frager Ceramic Cellfies Series Prosecco Cups with Variety of White Cells Wheel-thrown Stoneware, Ceramic Decal $60 each