September 30 - October 22
Featuring the work of Steven Rhude, Teresa Bergen, Bob Morouney, Margarita Fainshtein, Colin Smith, Ian Gilson, and Monique Silver.

Bob Morouney Carte de Visite 9 Ink on Armand Canal Paper 8” x 10” $525

Bob Morouney Carte de Visite 25 Ink on Armand Canal Paper 8” x 10” $525

Bob Morouney Carte de Visite 31 Ink, Gouache on Armand Canal Paper 8” x 10” $525

Bob Morouney Carte de Visite 44 Ink, Gouache on Armand Canal Paper 8” x 10” $525

Bob Morouney Carte de Visite 61 Ink on Armand Canal Paper 8” x 10” $525

Bob Morouney Carte de Visite 80 Ink on Armand Canal Paper 8” x 10” $525

Bob Morouney Carte de Visite 97 Ink, Gouache on Armand Canal Paper 8” x 10” $525

Bob Morouney Carte de Visite 104 Ink on Armand Canal Paper 8” x 10” $525

Bob Morouney Carte de Visite 107 Ink on Armand Canal Paper 8” x 10” $525

Bob Morouney Carte de Visite 109 Ink, Watercolour on Armand Canal Paper 8” x 10” $525

Bob Morouney Consumers Copperplate Etching, Engraving 11.5” x 11.5” $175

Bob Morouney Fortress Of Solitude Copperplate Etching, Watercolour 11.5” x 9” $165

Bob Morouney Guardian Muse Copperplate Etching 10” x 10” $165

Bob Morouney Lonely Heart Copperplate Etching, Engraving 11.5” x 9” $165

Bob Morouney Paper Doll Copperplate Etching 11.5” x 9” $165

Bob Morouney Social Beings Copperplate Etching, Engraving 11.5” x 11.5” $175 SOLD

Bob Morouney The Girl Inside Copperplate Etching, Mezzotint 10” x 10” $165

Bob Morouney The Girl Inside 2 Copperplate Etching, Mezzotint 10” x 10” $165

Bob Morouney The Girl Inside 3 Copperplate Etching, Mezzotint 10” x 10” $165

Bob Morouney The Girl Inside 4 Copperplate Etching, Mezzotint 10” x 10” $165

Bob Morouney The Hand Of Man Copperplate Etching, Engraving 11.5” x 9” $165

Bob Morouney Untitled (Life Partner) Ink on Paper 12.5” x 12” $180

Teresa Bergen Woodland Dance Teapot Stoneware 11.5”” x 10.5” x 12” $1800

Teresa Bergen Man Eating Lion Teapot Stoneware 13” x 11” x 12”5.5” $1800

Teresa Bergen Full House Teapot Stoneware 12” x 11” x 8” $1500

Teresa Bergen Down The Wild River North (Front) Stoneware 22” x 12” x 12” NFS
Teresa Bergen Down The Wild River North (Back) Stoneware 22” x 12” x 12” NFS

Teresa Bergen Gryphon Butter Dish Stoneware 8” x 6” x 5” $600

Steven Rhude Betsy Publicover - The Wait Oil on Masonite 24” x 50” $7000

Steven Rhude Betsy Publicover - Pregnant Oil on Masonite 24” x 30” $6000

Steven Rhude (Proud) Whitman Oil on Masonite 24” x 30” $6000
Steven Rhude Tempest Oil on Masonite 24” x 18” NFS

Steven Rhude Betsy Publicover - The Loss Oil on Masonite 24” x 18” $5000
Steven Rhude Betsy Publicover - The Curse Oil on Masonite 24” x 48” $7000
Steven Rhude Betsy Publicover - The Vigil Oil on Masonite 24” x 40” $6500

Margarita Fainshtein Nesting Dolls 1 Inkjet Hydro Dripping on Wood 4.7” - 1”H x 8.5”L $500

Margarita Fainshtein Nesting Dolls 2 Inkjet Hydro Dripping on Wood 4.7” - 1”H x 8.5”L $500

Margarita Fainshtein Self Portrait Container 1 Resin with Infused Screen and Ink Prints 4” x 5” $500

Margarita Fainshtein Self Portrait Container 1.1 Resin with Infused Screen and Ink Prints 4” x 5” $500

Margarita Fainshtein Self Portrait Container 4 Resin with Infused Screen and Ink Prints 8” x 3” $750

Margarita Fainshtein Self Portrait Container 4.1 Resin with Infused Screen and Ink Prints 8” x 3” $750

Margarita Fainshtein Self Portrait Container 6.1 Resin with Infused Screen and Ink Prints 10.6” x 10.6” $750

Colin Smith Florenceville Ink, Watercolour on Paper 7” x 10” $450

Colin Smith Fredericton Ink, Watercolour on Paper 7” x 10” $450

Colin Smith Oromocto Ink, Watercolour on Paper 7” x 10” $450

Colin Smith Saint John Ink, Watercolour on Paper 7” x 10” $450

Colin Smith Commencement Ink, Watercolour on Paper 14” x 21” $900

Colin Smith Death Is The Mother of Beauty Ink, Watercolour on Paper 13” x 20.5” $900

Colin Smith Death Torn Apart by Birds Ink, Watercolour on Paper 10” x 14.5” $500

Colin Smith Memory Of Our House Ink, Watercolour on Paper 10” x 14” $500

Colin Smith The Day the Fish Came Back Ink, Watercolour on Paper 10” x 14” $500

Ian Gilson Honestly, I Was Expecting More Mixed Media 17” x 8” x 10” $950

Ian Gilson Mea Culpa (Closed) Wood, Metal 27” x 22” x 3.5” $850

Ian Gilson Mea Culpa (Open) Wood, Metal 27” x 22” x 3.5” $850

Monique Silver Fitting In At 134 Gaspereau 1 Linocut, Collage on Panel 14” x 11” $490

Monique Silver Fitting In At 134 Gaspereau 2 Linocut, Collage on Panel 14” x 11” $490

Monique Silver Fitting In At 134 Gaspereau 3 Linocut, Collage on Panel 14” x 11” $490

Monique Silver Her Blomidon Country Blanket Hand-sewn Recycled Textile, Red Clay Dye 50” x 28” $1290

Brandt Eisner Missing, Presumed Dead (Detail) Antique Photos, Acrylic Paint Part of a larger ongoing installation. NFS